3 comments on “Movie Review: Fortress (1985 / 1986)

  1. Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! You have no idea what this means to me!!! I watched this movie only once at a sleepover at my friends house back around 1985. I was 8 years old (30 years ago!) and remember it like it was yesterday. I have been searching for it ever since. I had no idea what the movie was called. Only remembered it featured a bunch of school kids who were kidnapped, trapped in a cave, one was asked for matches because he smoked, and then they whittled sticks for the kidnappers to fall on. As I kept reading your review I kept thinking, “This has to be it!” As soon as I got to the pit full of sharpened sticks, tears nearly ran down my face. This is so damn amazing. You have no idea. Seriously. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To Amazon I go!

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